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Kiwanis Serves the Children of the World and Welcomes Just in Time for Foster Youth

8 Apr 2021 1:37 PM | Anonymous
The San Diego Kiwanis Club was ready for April when President Boland rang in the meeting on April 6, 2021. With a packed house, he lost no time in inviting everyone to settle themselves and led the Club in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a timely invocation.

Mr. Boland welcomed guests including Michelle Castillo with San Diego State University and recognized Club member Sally Hazzard who recently moved to Palm Springs and is still joining the group via ZOOM. Mike called on Club Board Director Gordon Boerner to introduce the day’s special speakers. Gordon was thrilled for the Club to meet Jennifer Telitz and Caitlin Radigan from Just in time for Foster Youth, whose mission is to engage a caring community to help transition age foster youth achieve self-sufficiency and well-being.

As the Investor Relations Manager, Ms. Telitz was able to highlight the programs and funding that JIT is involved with and its impact on the community. Ms. Radigan wrapped it up by sharing her experience both as a foster youth as well as the current Investor Outreach Specialist. The presentation was excellent and reminded members that the Kiwanis mission is to serve the children of the world.

President Boland thanked our guest speakers and invited them to stay for the remainder of the meeting if they had the time or inclination – which they did!

Karina Sousa, the Club’s Program Director posted the tally for March events and there was a three-way tie for perfect attendance! And let’s be clear – the tally includes member meetings, service events and socials. For the month of March, we can congratulate Gordon Boerner, Doug Frost, and jay Jeffcoat for their dedication to the Club and its events. Thank you Gentlemen!

While Mr. Boerner was feeling rather good about his efforts for the Club, Ms. Sousa moved the meeting along to the “FINES” portion of the day. Club members that receive community recognition and don’t mention the San Diego Kiwanis Club are always found and fined. This month one only had to flip through the pages of Giving Back Magazine to find a few familiar faces!

Club members Jim Floros and Gordon Boerner received some nice coverage but there was not a mention of Kiwanis to be found!

Ms. Sousa reminded everyone that the Club’s socials are fun and shouldn’t be missed. A fact proven by photos from the in-person Social at the Kaiserhof in Ocean Beach at the end of March.

After happy and sad dollars and a preview of upcoming meetings and activities the Club called their meeting to an end. Everyone is encouraged to follow the Club’s Facebook page and interact with posts!

Join our Club and perform extraordinary things in your community!

Kiwanis Club of San Diego is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. 

3276 Rosecrans Street, Suite 202, San Diego, CA   92110-4893

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